What's new this year?
30% Discount for Early Booking
Registration at #32 Baja's Resort at East Cape on market days
All Ticket event
This year's theme -'Murder Mysteries'

"Awesome event. Best ride ever. So much fun. Well organized, and supports a really great cause." Will Sparks

In small groups, follow a marked trail for 20 miles of off road driving in the beautiful back country around Los Barriles. Stop for refreshments, photographs, music, and other fun activities. Solving puzzles along the way. and raising money for the Feeding the Hungry Charity.
Sat 14 Dec 2024

"Fantastic day, What a blast. I have been off-roading for over 25 years and never had so much fun." Graham Wilks.
About the Ride
This is not a race.
This is a fun event for everyone who enjoys a ride on their 4WD vehicle be it a Quad, or a Side-by-Side.
Take your time to enjoy the ride and the beautiful scenery of the Los Barriles back country.
There will be refreshment opportunities, and other activity stops along the way.

In small groups of about ten to a dozen people, setting off at 5 min intervals in the morning, you will drive 20 to 30 miles up Arroyos and on graded roads and through the back country. Enjoy the stunning views over the mountains and the Sea of Cortez from the ridges behind Los Barriles.
Before departure you will be given a set of written driving directions. These will lead you to fun puzzle stations. Here you will be able to test your knowledge about the theme for this year's ride . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The course finishes at Lazy Daze Beach Bar where you will be able to get a drink, and lunch, and discover how many answers your group got correct.
Here you will also be able to find out if you have won a raffle prize.
Parts of the trails will be dusty so bring along a mask. Also bring along plenty of money for drinks and raffle tickets, pen/pencil, and reading glasses (if needed)
'Murder Mysteries'

Find Out
How Good
a Detective
You Are !!

Los Barriles Back Country ATV Riding - Common Sense
If your group wishes to take a break during the event please move off to the side of the trail so other vehicles can easily pass by
Always drive with your headlights on. (It makes it much easier for the others to keep an eye out for you)
Drive respectfully past people’s houses. (Drive slow enough to not kick up unnecessary dust)
Do not damage Rancher’s property, fences, gates, buildings, waterlines etc. (Bad behavior by ATV riders will result in the loss of access to their lands)
Drive slowly in the presence of livestock. (The milk supply of a cow dries up if the cow gets distressed. The result is the death of their calf causing a big financial loss to the Rancher)

How To Register
To secure a place in the event you must purchase a ticket from Gordon or Rick BEFORE the day of the ride.
Registration is only completed when:
1 Gordon or Rick has your name and email address,
2 The Registration fees have been paid
3 you have been issued with a ticket.
This ticket is your receipt. It must be produced when you check in on the morning of the ride.
You will also be given information on where the check in will take place who you check in with and and when you should be there.
Registration fees can be paid to Gordon or Rick at Site #32 at Baja's Resort at East Cape. between 0900 and noon on Saturday Market days in November and December .
*See directions below.
A 30% discount is available to every person who purchases their ticket before Dec 1. Their ticket will cost them only 500 pesos per head.
Any registrations made after Midnight on Nov 30 will be charged the full fee of 700 pesos per person.
*Baja's Resort at East Cape is located immediately north of La Lagona Park where the Saturday market is held.
The main entrance to the Resort is opposite the Modelorama shop on 20 Nov Street, between the bicycle shop and Homes and Land of Baja.
If you wish to pay registration fees when visiting the Saturday Market, note that there is a gate in the fence between La Laguna Park and the Resort
Booking an exclusive group
Miniimum group size is 8 riders
Maximum group size is 14 riders
If you wish to ride with your own group of friends then you can secure a group of 8 tickets and an exclusive check in time by making a block booking for eight riders (4000 pesos) in a single payment at the time of booking.
Group bookings can only be made before Dec 1.
You can add an additional six members to your group at a later date. If their names and fees are given to Gordon by Nov 30 then the cost will be 500 pesos per each additional rider. If the registration fees are not paid before Dec 1 then the fees will be 700 pesos per each additional rider.



What riders have said about previous ATV Charity Fun Rides!
The 'Must Do' Event of the Season

What mechanical checks on my vehicle should I do before the event?
You are going out on the rough roads of the back country, so at a minimum you should check :- your fuel level (It would also be prudent to fill up with fuel before the start) oil level, coolant level, and tire pressures (see below).
What tire pressures do you recommend?
You would be strongly advised to lower your tire pressures from what you use driving around town. Folks who regularly use these trails usually run with 8 – 10 lbs in the back and 6 lbs in the front. This will make for easier riding over the sand, and better grip on the trails.
What If I have a mechanical problem enroute?
First move your vehicle from blocking the trail. Then send the rest of your group on to the next marshal. (There are several marshals out on the course.) The marshal will set things in motion for help to arrive.
What if I get stuck on the trail?
In the unlikely event this happens: Reduce your tire pressures for better grip. Put rocks/dirt under the wheels. Get the rest of your group to help push/lift your vehicle as you drive. It is amazing how easily moved ATVs are by a number of people pushing.
Are there any refreshments available?
Yes. there will be a bar set up serving ice cold beers and soft drinks somewhere enroute. (all proceeds going to the Los Barriles Feeding the Hungry Charity) You will also be able to get drinks (and food) at Lazy Daze at the end of your ride.
Helpful hint:
Ask the lead vehicle in your group to drive 15 – 20 yards past the question station before parking, and then walk back to it. This will give other vehicles in your group time to arrive. It also gives them easier access to the questions than if your vehicle is blocking them. Please encourage the driver of the second vehicle in your group to do the same.

Charity Support

Because no one should go to bed hungry.
This is a charity fundraising event in support of Los Barriles Feeding the Hungry Program.
The Feeding the Hungry Charity works with the least fortunate in our community by providing them with support in the form of food vouchers.

Every peso you pay in your registration fees goes to support this Program.

Before your group departs you will also be encouraged to buy raffle tickets to support the Charity. The draw will be made during the event, and displayed at Lazy Daze, so by the time you finish you will be able to see if you have won a prize.
Ways this event raises money:
1 Registration Fees
2 Funds from the 50/50 raffle (please buy tickets)
3 Profits from the refreshments sold enroute (please spend generously)
4 Extra gifts made by people who wish to support the Feeding the Hungry Charity.

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